

Australia and Colombia unite for Clean Energy and Sustainability

Fuente: The Regional Universities Network (RUN)

The Regional Universities Network (RUN) and the Australian Department of Education supported a research delegation to deliver the "Clean energy and sustainable symposium Colombia-Australia" in Bogotá, Colombia, the symposium occurred on March 21 and March 22 in proud conjunction with Colombia Challenge Your Knowledge (CCYK) network. 

The delegation promoted the quality of research being undertaken at Australia’s regional universities, raised awareness of these universities as potential partners and study locations, and created direct connections with researchers and academics in the thematic areas of sustainability and the clean energy transition. As the same way, the symposium included the participation of Colombian academics and researchers from different universities in the country, all of them were experts in sustainability and clean energy. 

Over two days delegates engaged in a series of showcases, panel discussions, workshops and networking activities from both Australian and Colombian researchers and policy makers. We celebrate the participation of Dra. Rosalina González, professor at the School of Engineering at Universidad de La Salle, who was selected as an expert panelist for the session titled "Keynote presentations on international partnership and collaboration models". This session focused on highlighting experiences and best practices in research and international collaborations among institutions. 

Presentations and photos from the Symposium can be found here: https://www.run.edu.au/events/clean-energy-and-sustainability-symposium/clean-energy-and-sustainability-symposium-colombia/  

Source: The Regional Universities Network (RUN). 



